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 Haralson Invincibles
Camp # 673


Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans

"To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish."

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General,
United Confederate Veterans,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1906.



Our camp is in the 11th Brigade of the Georgia Division,
and is a camp in good standing with the Son's of Confederate Veterans.

We are located in Haralson County, GA, and
we serve the cities of:  Waco, Tallapoosa, Bremen, and Buchanan.
Our Commander is Billy Bearden, and he is
very dedicated to preserving our Southern Heritage.
Our camp was named to honor the men of the 40th Georgia, Co. K.
They were named the Haralson Invincibles.

      The Haralson Invincibles Camp
had been dormant for six years.

      Upon the request of the Upper Division Commander,
Charlie Lott, in 2004, Curtis "Bear" Hamrick was appointed the Commander of the camp.
      At the same time, one of the former members of the camp was appointed Lt. Commander and our Adjutant transferred in from another camp.

      We held our first meeting in
July 2004.  This was held as an informative meeting and we had approximately 50 people to attend. We have been off and running ever
   We have established an artillery crew, infantry, and we are establishing a mounted cavalry.  We have a new 12
lb. Napoleon Cannon that was donated to us and was christened, "The Preacher".
  We have several positions that are available that a man such as yourself might want to fill. 
     Age requirements must meet that of the National By-laws of: 12 years of age or older.  We also have Cadets that range from 11 and younger for a child, brother, or friend.  If you have a wife or daughter who is interested in dressing in the style of the Antebellum period we have the "BELLES" that recreate and tell the story of Women before, during and after the War Between the States.  We are an organization devoted to the family! 
     We have chosen for our camp logo, The Phoenix. "As it rises from the ashes to live again, so too has the Haralson's Invincibles Camp 673."

Our meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Outpost Bluegrass Music Barn, just south of Tallapoosa, GA. (see map on this page for directions) 
We begin at 6:30 PM.with a covered dish supper and our meeting begins at 7:00 PM.  So join us for Supper and discover what the SCV has to offer for you!
Mission Statement:
  • To improve Haralson County ( Bremen, Tallapoosa, Buchanan, Waco), East Cleburne County(Al), and northern Carroll County (Ga). 
  • To educate them on the truth about the War Between the States through Living History events at local schools, festivals and parades.
  • Holding Memorial Services honoring our Confederate Heroes.
  • Upkeep of Cemeteries where they are buried, marking their graves with headstones.



We are the only known camp, in the Georgia Division,
to have their own "Dishonest Abe" Portrayed by:  Lt. Commander Richard Boarts. Richard is a great asset to have at Living Histories.
He was introduced as "Dishonest Abe" on 12/9/2005
at Haralson County Middle School.  Children and adults alike are enthusiastic to see Abraham Lincoln come to life through Lt. Commander Boarts.  The public then learns about American History they never knew existed!  When Lincoln walks onto the stage an applause can be heard and a quiet hush falls on the crowd as President Lincoln is interviewed by a Confederate Newsreporter.  So come to a Haralson Invincibles function, you never know when "Dishonest Abe" might appear!   



Our camp flag is a variation
of the 2nd National Flag,
with the Haralson's Invincibles
Logo in the white field.

Camp Officers
Camp Commander:           Curtis "Bear" Hamrick
Lt. Commander:              Donald Monroe
Adjutant:                           James Garner
Judge Advocate:
Asst. Judge Advocate:
Chaplain:                         Kenneth Dodd
Assistant Chaplain:          Sam Camp               
Treasurer:             Billy "Georgia Flagger" Bearden
Artillery Chief:                  James Garner
Infantry 2nd Lt.:                Eric Tolbert 
Cavalry 2nd Lt.:                Donald Monroe
Quartermaster:                 Richard Boarts
Colorguard Sgt.:              Grady Moody
Information Officer:         
Flag Placement Officer:     
Graves Restoration
Chairmen:                        Donald Monroe
Newsletter Editor:                          
Webmaster:                      Todd Wood                 
Drummer:                        Grady Moody
The Preacher fires at McIntosh Reserve,
just south of Whitesburg.
The Men of the Haralson Invincibles.
40th GA Volunteers; Co.K


How to find where we meet.
Outpost Bluegrass Music Barn
The address is: 
1427 Old Hwy 100,
Waco, GA 30182
Directions are:
Take I-20 West to exit # 5 Tallapoosa/Bowdon.  At the end of the ramp, turn left on Hwy 100 south toward Bowdon.  Travel 0.8 miles and turn right on Carlton Johnson road beside the J&J Shoppette.  Go 1.3 miles to dead end.  Turn right onto Old Highway 100 North and go 0.3 miles to the Outpost Bluegrass Music Barn on right.  Just follow the signs.





Haralson Invincibles Camp 673
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Haralson County, Georgia